Sunday, 28 February 2016

Clinton won the primaries in South Carolina

In the primaries in South Carolina Hillary Clinton surpassed her competitor for the status of the US presidential candidate of the Democratic Party Bernie Sanders nearly 50 percentage points, with the support of African-American voters.
Victory in South Carolina has strengthened Clinton's status of the main contender for the title of the Democratic candidate in the presidential elections to be held on 8 November.
Besides Clinton managed to take revenge in the state after the defeat in the primaries in 2008, when the elections were won by future US President Barack Obama.
Clinton's victory in South Carolina was the third of four past primaries. The primary elections in New Hampshire in early February won Sanders.
Clinton wrote on her page on Twitter: "South Carolina, we did it." Her opponent Bernie Sanders acknowledged the victory of Hillary Clinton and congratulated her.
Nevertheless, he stated that "the campaign has just begun," relying on the successful continuation of the struggle on March 1 when primaries will be held simultaneously in several US states.

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