Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Time to buy VIX? (2)

Why is VIX perfect?

Because the index is traditionally moving in the opposite direction of the US indices. But, unlike them, its downward potential is limited to about 10, or just below that limit - about 20 percent of its current levels.
Unlike six months ago, however, when US indices suffered from total lack of volatility and traded only at new and new record values, the unthinkable happened and volatility erupted, bringing this index to levels over 30 for a moment.
After a long recovery of indices, the indicator returned again to its lowest values. But the danger of a new eruption is much greater than half a year ago.
Or, the index can easily and quickly double, and why not, even tripling its value, with limited potential for decline. Or a yield-risk ratio of 5 - 20% drop, versus 100% growth.

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