Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Why was the dollar spared by the trade war? (1)

The US dollar has so far been spared by the decline in other major currencies as a result of fears of a trade war between the US and China. Experts explain this, strange at first glance, with something very simple. Indeed, the trade war will not be good for the United States and the country's economy. Simply, it is expected to be much worse for US trading partners.
In this case of full force is the rule - "best among the bad ones". The rise in protectionism in the US, as a result of the US-China trade war, would generally hurt the US economy. So far, however, a mix of political events, fiscal stimulus, and concerns about bond market conditions can actually trigger a short-term rise in the US dollar.
Analysts from the ING investment bank explain the stability of the dollar with the "attachment" of the market participants to the US currency and the strong US economy compared to other developed economies. And as the currency pair with the best potential for growth of the US dollar, is the world's most traded one - EUR/USD, at least in the short term.

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