Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Credit Suisse: The bullish market does not end here

Following an outstanding performance in 2017, US indices will continue to rise next year, at least according to analysts of the investment bank Credit Suisse.
In a letter to their clients last week, the bank predicts that the broad US state's S&P 500 index will rise to 3,000 points by the end of 2018, which translates as a new two-digit growth for the benchmark.
If the indicator reaches the specified psychological limit of 3000 points, it would be an increase of 12% over the next 12 months. This figure, however, would have been far below the 20% growth rate registered in the year 2017.
The bank added that the profits of US companies are expected to receive an additional one-time incentive of between 8-9% also as a consequence of the tax reform.
Growth of the economy accelerates its pace while at the same time the level of inflation is kept low. Although the "bullish market" is entering its 10th year, the prospects for it are still relatively good, the bank said.

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