Monday, 4 December 2017

The dollar appreciated by more than 10,700% against this currency

The rates with which Venezuelan bolivar falls against the US dollar are dizzying. Only in the past month the US currency has appreciated 135% against the bolivar. Since the beginning of the year, the appreciation is 2 958% or more than 30 times.
If we expand, however, the time horizon of up to two years, things seem quite startling. The US dollar has risen by 10,768%. To realize the appreciation, we can only say that the popular amongst the bankers cryptocurrency bitcoin has risen by only 2 500% over the same period.
The problems for Venezuela are well known. The country is in one of the biggest crises in its history, and hyperinflation is a phenomenon lasting checked in by the intervention of the government of President Nicolas Maduro. The decision by the central bank to print money as much as it is needed greatly facilitates hyperinflation in the country.
Announced plans of the president earlier this month to restructure foreign debt, only added to the financial difficulties for the country and led to chaos in the capital Caracas.
The Bolivar was traded at 96.794 dollars by the end of last week after it started the week at 82.186 per dollar. For comparison, the officially announced dollar rate is 10 dollars.
The situation in Venezuela is so out of control that some converts to Maduro began to talk about something unthinkable until recently - the liberalization of market policies.

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